Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) is a public technical and research university located in Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
IIT Bombay was founded in 1958. In 1961, the Parliament decreed IITs as Institutes of National Importance. A committee formed by the Government of India recommended the establishment of four higher institutes of technology to set the direction for the development of technical education in the country in 1946. Planning began in 1957, and the first batch of 100 students was admitted in 1958. Since its establishment in Powai, the Institute has physically expanded to include more than 584 major buildings with a combined area of more than 2.2 square kilometres.
IIT Bombay is known for its 4 Year, 5 Year & 2 Year programmes for which the entry is through the Joint Entrance Examination – Advanced and Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. It offers degrees such as Bachelor of Technology, Four Year Bachelor of Science, Five Year Master of Science, Five Year IDDDP (Inter-Disciplinary Dual Degree Programme), 2 or 3 Year Master of Technology, and a few others. It also has a comprehensive graduate program offering doctoral degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It currently has 15 academic departments, 20 centres, a school of excellence and four interdisciplinary programs, including a Management Program.
The college also has a department dedicated to studying public policy, the Centre for Policy Studies, which offers postgraduate (Master’s in Public Policy), doctoral and postdoctoral level courses in public policy. The Centre has five primary research areas: digital societies, structural inequalities, environment, markets and governance, and technology and society.
IIT Bombay was the second Indian Institutes of Technology to be established in 1958 with assistance from UNESCO and with funds contributed by the Soviet Union. UNESCO agreed to provide equipment and technical experts mainly from the Soviet Union. At the same time, the Government of India accepted the responsibility for all other expenses, including the cost of the building project and recurring expenses. The site chosen for the Institute was Powai, with an area of 550 acres (2.2 km2) which the then Bombay State Government gave. While construction was being completed, the first academic session of the Institute opened on July 25 1958, in its temporary home at the Synthetic and Art Silk Mills Research Association (SASMIRA) building in Worli with 100 students. These students were selected from over 3,400 applicants for admission to the first-year undergraduate engineering programmes of Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Engineering Physics, Energy, Mechanical, Metallurgical Engineering, and MSc Chemistry. One of the main objectives of establishing the Institute was to develop facilities for studies in various specialized engineering and technological sciences. The need for establishing adequate facilities for postgraduate studies and research was kept uppermost in mind in the founding years. While the Institute was functioning provisionally at Worli, an effort was made to expedite the progress of the building project at its permanent location, and Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation stone of the Institute at Powai on March 10.
In 2018, IIT Bombay was one of the first six institutes awarded the Institute of Eminence status.
The IIT Bombay campus, having an area of about 545 acres, is located at Powai, in East Mumbai, between the Vihar and Powai lakes. The campus is divided into clusters of buildings. The academic area comprises the main building, various departmental annexes and auditoria. All department annexes are connected by a corridor named Infinite Corridor. Beyond the Convocation Hall lie most of the hostels. There are 18 hostels, of which two hostels (Hostels 10 and 11) and a wing of the newly constructed hostel (Hostel 15) are for female students.
Due to its proximity to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, the campus has a significant green cover and is mostly untouched by the pollution of the rest of the city. The campus’s proximity to the national park has also led to occasional sightings of panthers, leopards and Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) crocodiles along the banks of the Powai lake. Sometimes they stray into the campus in chase of the hunt.
The Institute has two swimming pools; football, hockey and cricket grounds; and tennis, basketball, squash and volleyball courts. It also has a Students’ Activity Center (SAC) for various cultural and other extracurricular activities. In addition to these facilities, the campus also houses two high schools, one of which is a Kendriya Vidyalaya and called IIT Campus School.
Educational programmes include physical sciences, engineering, humanities and social sciences such as Economics, English, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology and management studies. Over the years, the Institute has also created a niche for its innovative short-term courses through continuing education and distance education programmes.
On July 9, 2018, IIT Bombay was conferred the status of Institute of Eminence by the Ministry of Human Resources & Development, along with 5 other institutes in India, which would provide it additional autonomy and government funds.
Organization and Administration
At the institutional level, IIT Bombay is governed by a Board of Governors with a chairman nominated by the Visitor, the Director as a member and the Registrar as secretary. Besides this, four persons have specialized knowledge or practical experience in education, engineering, or science nominated by the council. The Senate nominates two professors. Additionally, one technologist or industrialist of repute is nominated by the Government of each of the States of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.
For all academic matters, the Senate is the authority to have control and responsibility for maintaining standards of instruction, education and examinations, and all other allied academic matters. The Senate is mainly constituted of all the professors of the Institute, and the Director is the chairman.
The key people in the execution of the Institute’s activities are the Director and Deputy Director who are assisted by Dean (Research and Development), Dean (Planning), Dean (Students Affairs), Dean (Academic Programmes) and Dean (Resources Development), and the Heads of the Departments, Centres and Schools. The Administration is managed by the Registrar, with senior administrative officers being assigned for specific areas such as Estate Management, Materials Management, Personnel Management, Finance and Accounts, and Academic Affairs.
Academic Office
The Academic Office of the Institute exists to facilitate, initiate and coordinate the academic work of the Institute, particularly the teaching and assessment of students. It acts as the repository of grades and academic records of all students, both past and present. It provides administrative support to the Senate, which is the highest academic body of the Institute.
The Head of the Academic Office is the Dean of Academic Programmes, a senior professor of the Institute. The Dean is helped by a permanent administrative set-up headed by a Deputy Registrar (education). Academic Office closely interacts with the Dean of Student Affairs (DoSA), who looks after all non-academic problems of students. The DoSA, as the ex-officio President of the Student Gymkhana, coordinates various co-curricular activities of students.
IIT Bombay offers a wide range of courses of study in engineering, pure sciences, design, management and humanities with a primary focus on engineering. The university is a member of “Links to Asia by Organizing Traineeship and Student Exchange” (LAOTSE), an international network of leading universities in Europe and Asia exchanging students and senior scholars.
The Institute conducts educational programmes leading to the degree of Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.), Bachelor of Sciences (B.S.), Dual Degree (B.Tech. and M.Tech. in 5 years), Master of Science (MSc.), Master of Technology (MTech.), Bachelor of Design (B.Des), Master of Design (MDes.), Master of Business Administration (MBA), formerly Master of Management, Master of Philosophy (MPhil.) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in various areas.
Every year, IIT Bombay awards degrees B.Tech., M.Tech., Dual Degree (B.Tech. and M.Tech.), M.Mgmt, MSc and PhD to more than 1,000 students. The undergraduate students at IIT Bombay are selected through the Joint Entrance Examination of the IITs. The graduate students are selected through GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) conducted by IIT’s and IISc on behalf of MHRD [Ministry of Human Resource Development]. At a given time, the campus is home to more than 6,000 people: students, professors, and non-academic staff.
In 2015 the National Virtual Academy for Indian Agriculture launched a free online agriculture course in collaboration with ICRISAT Hyderabad and IIT Bombay. From July 2016, IIT Bombay plans to offer a four-year undergraduate programme in economics.
In April 2015, IIT Bombay launched the first U.S.-India joint EMBA program alongside Washington University in St. Louis.
Development activities
The Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management (SJMSOM)
Faculty members from IIT Bombay undertake industry-sponsored research and consultancy projects made available through the Institute. These are funded by various national agencies like the Department of Science and Technology, Electronics, Department of Space, Aeronautical Development Agency, Department of Atomic Energy, and Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC). Many are also working on projects of national importance. International agencies are also funding a few projects. Typically in one year, there are about 400 ongoing sponsored projects. The sponsored research has ushered in intense research activity leading to the formation of active research groups, and has helped create modern research facilities in key areas.
The office of the Dean (R&D) provides the necessary liaison with industry and sponsoring agencies. The office helps the industry identify faculty expertise and institutional facilities and assists faculty in identifying industry problems.
There are also several central facilities such as the Central Library, Central Workshop, and Printing Press. Many new research facilities have been acquired or developed in the last few years. One of the most important of them is the Computer Centre which started functioning in 1986 with facilities continuously updated. With its minicomputers and workstations, the Computer-Aided Design Centre, supplemented by additional computing facilities, caters to CAD activity in Chemical Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering. Research groups like VLSI Design CAD/CAM also have computing facilities that are accessible to other departments for development activities. Recently, work on developing medical implants has been initiated. The AutoCAD Network Research Cell was established in 2007 to jump-start indigenous research and development activities in orthopaedic reconstruction systems. Important experimental facilities set up by various departments include laboratories for robotics, biotechnology, microelectronics, microprocessor applications, telematics, remote sensing, low-temperature physics, and aerodynamics. Earlier, IIT Bombay announced the online classes for the batch 2020-21 from August 10. A fundraising campaign was launched to help the students in need. The batch of 1994 of IIT Bombay donated Rs. 1.25 crores to help the students and provide them with laptops and internet connections which will be helpful for the online classes. The Director of IIT Bombay thanked the alumni members for their constant support of their college.
“About India Institute Of Technology Bombay was taken from Wikipedia.”