In their quest to be a great mathematician, students often dive head first into their work and choose the most difficult, time-consuming, and demanding courses to pursue. But what happens when you have to switch careers? If you are in that situation, don’t worry! There is always a PhD program available for any type of field.

The History of PhD in Mathematics
Types of PhD Programs in India
The History of PhD in Mathematics
The first PhD in Mathematics was awarded in India in 2016. The University of Mumbai (UM) has been awarding the PhD in Mathematics since 2001. Prior to this, the University of Hyderabad (UoH) had been awarding the PhD in Mathematics since 1978.
The history of doctoral degrees in mathematics can be traced back to the 17th century. At that time, mathematicians like Pierre de Fermat and René Descartes were developing theories that would shape the course of mathematical investigation for centuries to come. In 1654, Fermat proved that algebra could not be solved by radicals. This seminal work marked a turning point in mathematical thinking and paved the way for further investigations into the theory of equations.
During the 18th and 19th centuries, mathematicians like Euler and Laplace worked on a range of problems that are still studied today, such as fluid dynamics and celestial mechanics. It was during this time that formal methods were developed, which are essential for modern mathematics. In 1954, 26 years after Laplace’s death, Kurt Gödel proved a landmark theorem about logical systems that remains one of the most significant achievements in mathematics.
In 1978, Chinese mathematician Liu Yitang shed new light on the history of mathematics, reporting that the earlier Chinese mathematicians had, in fact, discovered theorems that have been proved by more recent mathematicians. His study of mathematical history was subsequently widely referred to. In 1987, American mathematician Alan Baker identified an anonymous medieval manuscript as proof of Descartes’s famous theorem, known as “Descartes’s rule of signs.”
Cost of a PhD in Mathematics
The cost of a PhD in Mathematics is available in India. The average cost of a PhD in Mathematics is $60,000. For a QS World University Rankings Master’s or a QS Top 50 Under 50 list, data is available for 2016/2017 and 2019. Do you study in India? Find out how much you’ll pay to get a PhD in Mathematics.
How long will it take to get a PhD in Mathematics?
It takes on average 6 years to complete a PhD in Mathematics. This can vary greatly depending on the institution you choose, the field of research you choose, and the language(s) that are studied. The average time taken to complete a PhD is between 4 and 6 years.
What are the entry requirements for getting an MPhil or PhD in Mathematics?
You’ll need to pass an entrance exam at your chosen institutions. To gain admission into most universities or colleges, you’ll also have to apply for several scholarships, which are usually not open to international students. You should get in touch with the departments of Mathematics at your chosen institutions and ask about their requirements.
There are universities that do not require you to take an entrance exam and will just accept you if you meet the minimum marks in your SAT or ACT scores. This also means that International candidates don’t have to worry about this. What is the job outlook for a mathematician? The job prospects for mathematicians are good in most countries. In particular, those who study pure Mathematics will have very good prospects. However, applications from non-mathematicians are increasing rapidly, and they can find employment as mathematical statisticians and specialists in the fields of Finance and Computing.
Types of PhD Programs in India
There are a few different types of PhD programs in mathematics in India. Here are some of the most common types:
- Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI): This is a graduate school in Mumbai and offers a PhD in mathematics. The program has two tracks, one for pure mathematics and one for applied mathematics.
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR): TIFR offers a three-year PhD program in mathematics. The program is divided into three parts: theoretical, applied and computational.
- Centre for Computer Applications in Mathematics (CCAM), Bangalore: CCAM offers a PhD program in mathematics. The program is divided into four parts: mathematical foundations, algebra, analysis, and geometry.
About Universities in India
There are many universities in India that offer doctoral programs in mathematics. Some of the most prominent universities include Delhi University, the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, and the University of Mumbai. All of these universities have strong mathematics departments, and they are all well-known for their research programs in the field.